Saturday, January 19, 2013

Book Chat...on a Fey series

I was included in a Live Google chat with the authors S.A. Archer and S. Ravynheart in chatting about their fey series's I've been reading.  Yes plural series's.  They have three book lines that cross over in the same world.

If you are curious about the chat you can watch the video of the three of us at Fey Cast.

I tried to get a few pieces of juicy details for you, but Ravynheart put his foot down. ;D Lol.

The first book in each story line:  (note: each of these 1st books are FREE on Amazon Kindle)

These stories are all done in novella length series.

If you would like you could read the Prequel to Champion of the Sidhe series:  In Whom You Trust (goes with End of the World starting book series).  I did enjoy this one and it starts at Fey Cast and hops to a few blogs for each section.


  1. Sounds fascinating! Love stories about the fey. And like Blodeuedd, I love free reads! :)

    1. Thank you Alexia. It was my first Google hangout video too. Hope you like the reads.


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